VVMGL  2023 Season Information

 2023 VVMGL roster currently stands at  80  players

We will field 8 teams: 10 players per team

League Dues are $55.00 per VVMGL member

$ 50.00 is used almost wholly to defray member expense for Jamboree Day and the additional $5 will go into the bank for Jamboree Day prizes. If you don't play on Jamboree Day, the $55 stays with the league for expenses and prizes.

Greens Fees are $28.00 for walking. Gas carts are at player’s additional expense paid to the Links.

$4.00 each week goes to fund TWO $25 Hole Game Prizes and the 9th Hole long putt game is now a $40 cash weekly prize. The balance will all go towards Jamboree Day prizes.  $90 towards weekly prizes and $70 into the bank.

League Play Dates for 2023

First Half                                                          Second Half

May 4       Wk 1                                               July 6              Wk 1

May 11     Wk 2                                               July 13            Wk 2

May 18     Wk 3                                               July 20            Wk 3

May 25     Wk  4                                              July 27            Wk 4

June 1       Wk 5                                              Aug  3              Wk 5

June  8      Wk 6                                              Aug  10            Wk 6

June 15      Wk 7                                             Aug 17             Wk 7

June 22      Wk 8  Position Night                 Aug 24             Wk 8  Position Night

June 29      Rain Date (if needed)                Aug 31             Rain Date (if needed)

Saturday, September 9th   Jamboree Day

If the 6-29 rain date is not needed to cover a first half rain out, 6-29 may be treated as the First Official Match of the Second Half. I most likely won’t do this due to the 4th of July weekend and people possibly leaving for vacations

The Village Links will provide 12 tee times starting at 3:50 and continuing until 5:24 pm. The 3:50 and 3:58 tee times are for the President and Treasurer with the rest of the league starting at 4:07 pm.


Tee times:

3:50 *                         4:41                           4:07 thru 5:24 tee times can be reserved by using

3:58 *                         4:50                           the Golf Genius App the Monday of the week you

4:07                            4:58                           are playing starting @ 7:00 am.

4:16                            5:07

4:24                            5:15

4:33                            5:24


These 12 tee times available can accommodate up to 8 unscheduled FULL-TIME players who want to play extra golf on any given league night.

Unscheduled Players should refrain from scheduling the earlier tee times to allow the scheduled players playing matches first priority.  Please sign up for the 4:50 or later tee times and also wait until Tuesday to allow players in matches 1st crack at all tee times.

Unscheduled Players MUST pay the Pro Shop the $24.80 greens fee and any cart fee and present their paid receipt to Starter prior to tee off. These players are NOT ALLOWED to win any of the games that week.

Team Scheduling

Each VVMGL team will field 5 players each week to play your team’s match.

Captains will request your player’s availability for the entire season and figure out your team’s schedule and submit NO LATER THAN APRIL 2nd.  Please enter on the schedule spreadsheet you were given and email back to the President as soon as you have it done.

Rain Dates are indeed scheduled as a regular play date.  They should be included in any team members play date fees. If the rain date is not needed a credit towards Jamboree Day or refund will be issued to those scheduled players at end of the season.

Player Fees Collection

After the team schedule is made, Captains are responsible for including on VVMGL schedule spreadsheet and communicating to team members the amount each team member owes. Player fees for the entire season are due upfront, prior to League play.

Example = Player Joe is scheduled 10 dates x $ 28.00 = $ 280.00

Plus $ 55.00 Dues   = $ 335.00

Captains should collect the fees/dues from each team member and submit to the Treasurer altogether if at all possible.

8 teams of 10 platers, you team total will be $3070.00

Preferred payment for Team Members fee is by check, but cash is acceptable.  Any questions, please ask Guy or Mike.

VVMGL fees are due to Treasurer no later than Monday April 24th

By VVMGL By-Laws, any team member(s) who have not paid their Fees prior to the May 4th start date may risk not competing for points and cause a forfeit to your team.

Other : 

Subs - - it is the Team Captains responsibility to inform the President of any weekly Subs or Schedule Changes by 6:00 PM Wednesday night, PERIOD!!

Captains should read and become familiar with VVMGL By-Laws and Playing Rules.

Captains should make every effort to have all Team Members register and utilize the VVMGL website. Team Members should register profile information, especially email address and best phone contact.

A complimentary 9-hole Village Links VIP Cards will be available starting April 1st for all 2022 VVMGL full-time players only.   Those of you that signed up and got the $20 upgrade that allows you to get discounts on both courses can also start using this by April 1st. This gets you 10% off in the pro-shop and 20% golf on non-league days that you decide to play.